Religious Education

At SS Peter & Paul's we believe that Religious Education is at the heart of our community, as we strive to proclaim the Gospel Values.  We see our role as supporting parents in leading their children to a greater understanding of who God is, to reflect spiritually and to celebrate with deeper faith and more understanding of the liturgy of the Church.

We believe that Religious Education provides children with opportunities to recognise, affirm and celebrate the gifts and talents they and others have been given and to develop the skills which will enable them to think and question more deeply and lead, ultimately to a greater understanding and appreciation of faith.  

We aim to make prayer, worship and liturgy a real growth experience and to help develop the faith of each individual and their relationship with God.

Full Religious Education Curriculum Statement




R.E Curriculum

At SSPP we currently teach from the 'Come and See' Religious Education resources as recommended by the Diocese of Brentwood.  To enable parents to support the work we do in school, we publish a termly R.E. Curriculum Newsletter which outlines the topics being covered by each year group and suggests activities parents can undertake with their children at home.

This has now been updated in EYFS, where we are rolling out, and teaching from, the new programme 'To Know You More Clearly'.  We have been early adopters, and this will also begin in September 2024 for Year 1 and Year 2.


Autumn Term Curriculum Letter 2023-24

Spring Term Curriculum Letter 2023-24

Summer Term Curriculum Letter 2023-24


Class Collective Worship
Our class collective worship takes place on days where we do not gather as a whole school.  We make use of Ten Ten’s daily collective worship resources.  These take the children through the four aspects (Gather, Listen, Respond and Go Forth) allowing them to reflect on a weekly theme.  One class collective worship in each week is devised between the Liturgy Ambassadors with guidance from the Head Teacher.

Lectio and Visio Divina

Pupils are given time to reflect (often at the start of RE lessons) following the focussed steps of either Lectio or Visio Divina.  For Lectio Divina this involves looking at a piece of Scripture or an extract from a larger piece of writing.  This is first read, then meditated upon before being responded to through prayer and then contemplated (where children listen for God’s response to their prayers).  A similar process happens for Visio Divina, although in this instance, the stimulus stems from religious paintings and iconography.

The Angelus by Jean-Francois Millet

Below are some links to resources which will help you support your child and give you more information about important seasons within the Church's year.


Prayer & Reflection

Our Daily Prayers

Stations of the Cross


The Liturgical Calendar


Holy Week & Easter



Other Festivals


The Bible

The Old Testament

The New Testament
