1. News
  2. Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

23 November 2018 (by adminuser)

We are once again asking the children to spread the Spirit of Christmas by donating a 'Shoe Box' for our appeal.

The recipients will be the elderly of our community, who do not have families to visit them.  Some of the boxes will be taken to residents of Woodlands Nursing Home next door when some of our Year 6 pupils visit them to sing Christmas carols for them.

Our local Police Mayfield Safer Neighbourhood Team will distribute the remaining boxes to other needy elderly people in the Ilford area.

We would like the children to fill a shoe box with small items.  The children should then write on the outside 'Lady' or 'Gentleman'.  Please do not seal the boxes.  We need to check the contents and it is much easier if you tie the wrapping with a ribbon or donate some wrapping.  We will label the parcel: 'Season's greetings from the children of SS Peter & Paul's School'.

The gifts should be small inexpensive items that an elderly person would appreciate. 

Please bring your completed box into school by Monday 10th December.  Thank you for your support.
