SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • Y6 Important Parent Meeting
    You will have received a paper copy of a letter on Friday regarding an urgent meeting we have scheduled for next Wednesday (26th May) at 3:30pm. The letter can also be seen on your child's Google Classroom
  • Face Masks Update
    A further letter from Mrs Johnson has been added to the 'Parent Letters' section of the COVID-19 menu on the School Website.
  • March 8th Re-Opening - All Pupils
    As per the Government's current roadmap, SSPP will be opening once again to all pupils on Monday 8th March.
  • Redbridge Foodbank
    Redbridge Foodbank is committed to provide the best service possible to people in crisis. Due to the new National Lockdown and rising infection rates - they have restructured their services.
  • School Closure and Remote Learning Update
    A new letter has been added to the Parent Letters section of our Covid-19 Menu on the School Website. Please take the time to read this latest guidance and advice from the school.
  • Remote Learning
    Please note that a new 'Remote Learning' tab has been added to the 'Covid-19' section of the School Website.
  • Re-Opening Letter 1 January 2021
    Due to guidance given by the Government yesterday afternoon, we are following this and altering the opening of SSPP for the Spring Term. Please take the time to read the letter which contains initial information with further details to follow later.
  • Critical Workers Letter
    Following on from the last update, we are now writing to let you know further details regarding the delayed opening of SS Peter and Paul’s Catholic Primary School. This can be viewed on the School Website.
  • Tier 3 Reminder
    London is now in Tier 3 and we must all ensure we each continue to take personal responsibility to limit the spread of Coronavirus.
  • Test and Trace details - Christmas period
    Please take the time to read the attached letter which gives details about how school can be notified over the Christmas period if your child or direct family members have any issues with Covid.
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