SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School News

The latest news stories from SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • MacMillan Coffee Morning
    Please join us in the morning (Friday 30th September) at 9:15am to celebrate being part of the world's biggest coffee morning.
  • Race and Equality Survey
    We have managed to secure a very short extension to the parental survey for the Race and Equality Awareness Scheme we are taking part in. For further details (and a short introductory video) please visit the school website.
  • Race and Equality Survey
    The parental survey for the Race and Equality Awareness Scheme we are taking part in is now live. For further details (and a short introductory video) please visit the school website.
  • World Book Day
    Thursday 3rd March marks World Book Day. To tie in with our 'Wild About Reading' theme, we invite our children to come to school dressed as an animal on that day.
  • International Day
    We celebrate our International Day tomorrow (Wednesday 23rd). Children are encouraged to come to school in cultural outfits which celebrate where they, and their family are from.
  • Urgent Covid Update
    A latest update letter has been posted to your child's Google Classroom account. Please log in to see this.
  • Important Covid safety letter
    A new letter has been posted to your child's Google Classroom account with slight alterations to our current Covid safety measures. 
  • Parent Consultations
    Our Parent Consultation appointments will take place remotely (via Zoom) on Tuesday 9th November.
  • Football Celebration Day
    In order to celebrate England reaching their first major tournament final since 1966, we are allowing children to come to school tomorrow (Friday 9th July 2021) in their own red and white clothes.
  • Year 6 SRE meeting
    Please be advised that the Year 6 SRE (Journey In Love) meeting, will begin at 4:00pm. This will hopefully give you time to collect your child, return home and log into the meeting.
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